Elec­tric Vil­lages Awarded Two Sil­ver ADDY Awards

For Imme­di­ate Release

Thurs­day, April 2nd, 2009


The Caribbean Adver­tis­ing Fed­er­a­tion (CAF) Pres­i­dent, Mar­vin Imamshah today announced the 2009 Caribbean Adver­tis­ing Fed­er­a­tion ADDY Award win­ners. Elec­tric Vil­lages of Bar­ba­dos was awarded two Sil­ver awards, one each in the ‘Spe­cial Event Mate­r­ial’, and the ‘Spe­cialty Adver­tis­ing’ categories.

The awarded work, both for Elec­tric Vil­lages’ client, First­Caribbean Inter­na­tional Bank includes the 2009 Wealth Man­age­ment Cal­en­dar (Sil­ver ADDY Award, Spe­cialty Adver­tis­ing Cat­e­gory) and the Board of Direc­tors Invite (Sil­ver ADDY Award, Spe­cial Event Mate­r­ial Category)

Renae Asel­s­tine, Man­ag­ing Direc­tor of Elec­tric Vil­lages, states, “I’m very proud of the EV Cre­ative Team. It’s an honor to work with them, and pro­duce such notable work. It’s also a plea­sure to work with such a fan­tas­tic client as First­Caribbean Inter­na­tional Bank.”

The awards come at an excit­ing time for Elec­tric Vil­lages with the recent open­ing of an office in Wor­thing, Barbados.

Elec­tric Vil­lages is an inte­grated mar­ket­ing firm, spe­cial­iz­ing in online and tra­di­tional mar­ket­ing com­mu­ni­ca­tions for the tourism and finan­cial indus­tries. Caribbean and North Amer­i­can clients are ser­viced from offices in Wor­thing, Bar­ba­dos and Toronto, Canada.
For more infor­ma­tion, visit ElectricVillages.com or call 246–431-5025

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Press Con­tact:

Tim Quin­ton
[email protected]
416–365-3032 ext. 200